Sunday, March 1, 2015

2014 Family Catch up!

2014 Catch up!
It was a busy year...especially for daughter Cristy.  Mina Rose turned 1 in April and little sister Olivia Zi was born on Halloween. They are both adorable - and pictures so a thousand words....

 Needless to say, I spent some time back and forth to Mesa (150 miles away) to see them all.
 Olivia looks more like daddy Tony and Mina is still Cristy's little clone.

                                                 Thanks for the cute hats, Fran!
Mina and I had fun searching for pumpkins in October. Cristy is now back to work and into a working routine with work, house, kids.

In June of 2014, we drove to San Diego and attended several graduations and welcomed Michael's new wife Diana into the family. They are planning a big wedding in July 2015.  He is still active duty with the USMC and stationed in San Diego.  His older sister, Jamie, finished several forensic-related degrees and just moved to northern CA to finish her BS.  Younger brother Daniel started college at NAU, in AZ. Their mom bought a condo in Chula Vista and enjoying quieter times - except for the dog walking and working for the Navy. 
                                                        Daniel, Jamie and Michael
                                Diana is in nursing school and here at the annual USMC ball!
 Vicky & Lindsey  and kids Amber and Chase are still in Dallas; Amber made the Varsity VB team as a freshman and Chase is doing basketball. They all drove out for the June reunion.

Bill III and Cris are still in Atlanta, sort of...but Cris will graduate from Nurse Anesthetist school in December 2015 so is still in Miami until then. Bill still works for the Feds and just finished his master's!

We did meet great grandson Tony in June, along with his brother, Tyler, belong to Chanin, Bill's oldest grandson. Chanin's family and sister Rylie are all living at home with Bill's oldest daughter Tiffany in CA.  Crowded house!! Here's Tyler and Anthony.

In case you lost count, that is 5 kids, 9 grandkids and 2 great far. whew.

Happy Valentine's Day from Olivia and Mina.  I think Mina might have just been in trouble.... to the boat again....

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