Thursday, March 12, 2009


Carnaval La Paz is every February and tied to
Mardi Gras events.

There is a week of festivities, including daily parades, carnival rides, plenty of food and music, music, music. Three HUGE bandstands started up after dark and drew big crowds. Lots of margaritas involved~similar to Halloween for the kids - all in costumes. The cascarones, or eggs filled with confetti, are everywhere. Each night, magic fairies come out and clean the streets for the next day's events.

Even the little ones get into the action!

The floats are pretty amazing, very intricate and participants all having a blast. Floats were sponsored by companies, such as car rentals, beer and grocery stores.

Ride 'em cowboy at the bull on the Malecon. Some of the afternoon events and you can also see one of the three music stages in the background, behind Bill.

Always things for sale for the kids - balloons, hats, cotton candy...note the margarita booth in front of the Burger King!

Bill with his Kettle Corn popcorn, Linda with her margarita.

The normal street along the Malecon, the Abasolo, is closed off for the entire week, making a nice wide walking area, all along the water.

Even time for some quiet times under a palapa on the beach, just next to all the events!!

There are various kings, queens and princesses crowned on on the floats, changing daily. The parades happen daily about 5 PM and start at one end of the center Malecon area one day, then switch the other end of town the next day.

Lots of "stuff" for sale, including was about 80 degrees out. Not sure how those sales went!

The Queen of Something.....and the kings of...???

Happy faces at the end of a parade one evening. It was a fun, very noisy week. We actually missed half of the fectivities as we were on our trip to San Jose del Cabo. But still got the feel of the fun and good times had by all.

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