Friday, December 18, 2009

Fall Prep Trip to San Carlos....

Our fall trip in prep for winter; we brought the dinghy down, got it to the boat, cleaned up from the hurrican clutter, swabbed the deck and cockpit, cleaned cabinets, scrubbed heads...saw friends in and around..and relaxed a little.

A sign for the fishing license!

A fundraiser at the Captain's Club Bar

Really, what do we do on the boat all day?

Hang out in the cockpit, read, hangout, read, chores, eat, provision and read....

where do I store this basket?

The pig being roasted at the Soggy Peso!

How about Racoon Tracks on our car after a night in the marina! We see the tracks on the boat occasionally, too. They have been known to find the snack cabinet on many a boat - lock up tight or beware! Who knew, racoons at the beach in Mexico?

Sunset at The Soggy Peso near us - with Tom and Joan...

Delivering the new Dinghy in October! She arrived on the roof of our Blazer, then off and inflated in Folker's drivceway and on Pegasus' truck and to the marina...whew, made it to the boat!

Dinghy trials....ahh, she runs smooth!!!

Herer we are with JUCE...Judy and Bruce at The Soggy Peso for a pig roast!

And a sunset at the Soggy Peso beach....

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