Friday, January 15, 2010

Puerto Escondido and on to La Paz

(NOTE: The note from San Carlos to the Baja to follow soon! Blogspot is being difficult! Sail log also to follow....)

Hangin' on a ball in Puerto Escondido (the hidden port near Loreto) over Christmas, a nice respite and dinner and friends. Our new dinghy, works like a charm and we love it. Needed to get to shore, as you can see...we don't walk on water well!

Sailing south, an island stop with a sandy beach, BBQ'ing Bill and a dinghy ride and another boat's spinaker.

Our arrival into Marina Palmira On January 29th, 2009 - and a welcome cold drink! Our dock and some wonderful salsa and the "usual" sunset!

The Tailhunter sports Bar on the waterfront/Malecon...several visits with friends

The Baja South band at Club Marlin...and a little friend.

Here's the gang, eating again....

The kitchen at Cllub Marlin.


...and New Year's eve at Marina de La Paz....

The Club Cruceros New Year's eve potluck at...5 PM! That's midnight ZULU time...close eenough!

Club Cruceros Cruisers Clubhouse at Marina de La Paz.

Marina Palmira and La Panga for brunch.

The end - until the next set....!!

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